Hello all! It’s been an eventful 2018. The site as a whole has grown past what I originally envisioned. I gained two awesome contributors along with the overall vision I want for the blog in the long run. We haven’t been as consistent as we wanted to but we will be working on that diligently in 2019. In my opinion, 2018 was the setup…2019 will be the execution. I want to be/do better. WE want to do/be better…so we will be.
Looking back on what we were able to accomplish this past year has really excited me and renewed my vision for this blog. I want to become a hub of entertainment, news, learning, and civil discussion and thought. Throughout next year, we will be playing around with the format of our site until we find one that we collectively think will suit what we want to become. I am thankful for the followers we’ve had for awhile and the new followers we’ve gained.
We are looking forward to 2019. Along with our personal goals, @sineaterdanyi, @thatcartoonist, and I will be looking improving ourselves along with the blog! There are quite a few things we want to accomplish in 2019 and we hope you all enjoy every step of the way. I hope everyone has had a safe New Years Eve. Make this year better than last and be sure to continue to learn and improve. Be sure to be on the lookout for new posts and events coming from all three of us this year. We will see you around very soon! And as always, Nerd Out!