What’s up Blerders and Nerders!? I know it’s been quite some time but no worries, all is well. I hope everyone who was able to obtain a PS5 or X-box is fully enjoying them while I sit here and continue to be jealous of you all. But it’s okay, I will eventually get myself the next gen gaming system so I will continue to watch you guys enjoy (for now….). Luckily for me, Marvel’s Spiderman: Miles Morales is out for the PS4 as well as the PS5 so I get to spend more of my time swinging through NY as another Spiderman.

After finishing the first game and playing all of the DLC, I wanted…needed more Spiderman. I was already a fan of Miles Morales from the comics and when they announced that there would a Miles Morales game, I was more than excited. After the success of “Into the Spiderverse”, people have been hoping to see Miles in the MCU and video games for a while. In Spiderman: Homecoming, we get a little hint of Miles being in the MCU with his uncle making a small cameo (Donald Glover played Aaron Davis, aka The Prowler). While this game isn’t a sequel to the original game, it is a seamless transition to a new main character and story. Insomniac really put their foot into this addition to the Spiderman universe they created. So lets get into this review!

The Good:
Again…the Story– The story is yet again a major highlight in this series. Having played the first 3 DLC from the main game, Insomniac was able to seamlessly transition into a fresh new story while not forcing the previous story on this one. Miles Morales really establishes himself as Spiderman while having a story just as interesting as his character. Like the other parts of this overall game, this story has nothing to do with the MCU so if your expecting some inkling of a tie-in, you won’t find it here. We get to learn more about Miles and how he deals with the events from the main game as well as his lessons in becoming Spiderman. The way that this story builds onto what has been established in the main story and DLC content is just amazing. We get to see the struggles of Miles trying to deal with the pressure and responsibilities of being Spiderman while coming into his own as a hero. We also see how his environment plays so much into who he is as a person and as Spiderman.

Spiderman but Ultimate Spiderman– For those who do not know, Miles Morales is the Spiderman from the Ultimate line of Marvel comics. The Ultimate universe ended a few years back and some of the heroes from that universe folded into the main Marvel universe. So we get two Spidermen, (in comics) from two different universes smoothly merged into one video game while keeping each of their charm and originality. And lets talk about originality in Miles Morales. While yes, this game plays like the main game and DLC but Miles is truly his own Spiderman. The way he swings, falls, fights and speaks is just so original and fun. I’m not going to strike up a debate on who the better Spiderman, that’s for individuals to decide but two Spidermen with distinct styles is pretty damn cool to have in a game.
The photo mode– This was a highlight in the main game but the photo mode in this game is a level up. As I said before, Miles has a different kind of style which is very cool to see. What makes the photo mode in Miles Morales different is the fact that I can change the outfit that’s in the picture without leaving photo mode!
To be quite honest, I spent a lot of time taking cool photos in this game. The photo made me want to unlock every suit so I can get those in cool pictures as well. The photo mode really allows you to have fun and record all of the cool things you may try (accidentally as well). As you can see, I had fun with one particular pose since these four are just a little taste of the random photos I took because…why not?
The Bad:
Weird object interactions– Now this could of been because I’m playing this on PS4 and this was possibly optimized for the PS5 or a patch hasn’t been applied and I’m just being over-dramatic. During some side missions, you would need to interact with an object help progress the mission. Sometimes when you would try to interact with the object, it wouldn’t let you. The interaction icon would straight up disappear each time you would try to press it. It was very annoying…so annoying to the point that I had to reload the mission and see if it happened again. Now this didn’t happen on every mission, not even most missions but when it did happen, it would take throw you off a bit…especially if you were in a groove.
Repetitive mini missions– This also isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The mini-missions are fun and allows you to fill time collecting what you need to obtain all the suits and upgrades. Sure there are little things that are wrong with the game but they aren’t major enough (in my opinion) to warrant a whole section. Now these mini missions aren’t entirely bad but they are quite annoying and you can easily lose time and possibly lose out on extra tokens. But these mini missions live up to the main game when it comes to “always having something to do”. Also like the main game, you will get somewhat tired of doing the same things over and over again.
The Conclusion:

Insomniac really outdid themselves with this addition to their Spiderman game universe. Perfectly weaving a new main character while hitting on their comic book origins, along with adding original elements to an already near perfect game was no small feat. Being able to tell an origin story while not totally telling an origin story is pretty hard to do but they did it. The way the story was setup from the main game and even into the DLCs to where we experienced it as new as well as established. This is just as fun and immersive as the main game including the DLCs. I would give this a 9/10…once again not perfect but damn near close.
What did you guys think? Well those who are able to play it. Let us know in the comments! Luckily you can get this game on PS4 and upgrade it for free to the PS5 version (when they have some in stock). Go to our link here to get yourself a copy! I hope everyone continues to stay safe during these times! Wash your hands, mask up and until next time…Nerd Out!