Spoiler-free review of Spider-man 2!
Tag: PS4
A Way Too Late Game Review: Marvel’s Spiderman
Hello there Blerders and Nerders. It’s been awhile hasn’t it? During this Corona-tine, I’ve had some time to go back and play through some of my back log and decided to share my thoughts of the games I finished! Later,…
30 Day Video Game Challenge: Day 11
Gaming system of choice Good morning Blerders and Nerders! Hope you have been enjoying E3 this past weekend and later today. I may do a post about E3 or maybe @thatcartoonist will do a video wrap-up. Anyway, today’s subject is…
30 Day Video Game Challenge | Day 5
We are at Day 5 of the 30 Day Video Game Challenge and the topic for today was”Game character you feel you are most like( or wish you were)”. One of the most optimistic characters I can think of for…
30 Day Video Game Challenge: Day 7
Favorite Game Couple Welcome back Blerders and Nerders! Are you following along with me and @thatcartoonist ‘s challenge? His are on YouTube (Look for his posts, links inside!) I’ll be starting my podcast sometime soon so look forward to that!…
Short Game Review: Assassin’s Creed Origins
Good afternoon nerders! I’ve been meaning to do this type of thing for the last year but I usually forget to write them out. So I decided to start it with a game that is a little recent and it…
Upcoming games I’m excited about.
It’s that time of year again where people start saving their pennies for pre-order exclusives on games that are coming out this fall and winter. Since I happen to be one of these people saving up and ready for some…
Games on the Tube (and Twitch)
We all the way LIVE baby! Okay, not exactly live yet but you did read that in the voice of the black guy from the Dan the videos haha. Do you watch game videos on YouTube or Twitch? I’m pretty…