Supergirl 4×03 “Man of Steel” Review

Supergirl 4×03 “Man of Steel” Review and most of this episode was a flashback on how Ben Lockwood became the Agent Liberty and grew such a hatred toward alien kind. We also see a dying Supergirl and how the team…

Supergirl 4×02 “Fallout” Review

Supergirl 4×02 “Fallout” Review the tension between humans and aliens is growing negatively. When I tell you these villains are finessing these heroes it literally ain’t no joke! Mercy and Otis Graves both play their parts to ensure Supergirl and…

Supergirl 4×01 American Alien

Supergirl returns to the CW! This season it seems to be focused on aliens being treated equally to humans on earth. Supergirl will now have to combat Mercy and Otis Graves and another enemy known as Agent Liberty.