Hello Blerders and Nerders! Woman Crush Wednesdays are back I’m starting back with an interesting young woman. First I must ask if you have seen the anime series “Michiko & Hatchin”. If not, I suggest you take a gander at it. It’s not too long where you would get lost but it’s long enough to where you can get an almost full understanding of what’s going on. Here is a synopsis from (source)-MyAnimeList.com:
“Under the unrelenting heat of the South American sun, hardened criminal Michiko Malandro breaks out of a high security prison for the fourth time in search of a man from her past. Michiko finds a clue in the form of Hana Morenos, a young girl trapped under the fists of her abusive foster family. In her powerlessness, Hana fantasizes about the day when she is finally whisked away from her captors by her very own Prince Charming. Little does she know that her fated prince would turn out to be the buxom and husky convict who charges in atop a stolen motorbike, claiming to be her mother.
The unlikely duo chase down their dreams in the sun-drenched land of Diamandra, navigating through the cacophony of betrayal, poverty, and child exploitation rings hiding in plain sight. However, wind of Michiko’s manhunt soon reaches the ears of criminal syndicate Monstro Preto, and a storm of gang warfare begins brewing over the horizon…
Michiko to Hatchin is the story of vibrant people and their clashing agendas, and of all the unlikely human connections drawn together by one elusive man.”
Now Michiko is an interesting character all on her own. She’s a badass that has been through a lot through the course of her life. And before meeting Hana, she seemed to be out for herself and just overall selfish. She’s fearless and not afraid to throw hands with anyone who crosses her. But deep down, right after her strength is her heart. Though she tries to hide it and not really act on it, Michiko does some things out of love. I want you to watch this anime and see it for yourself.
What makes Michiko this week’s WCW? Her tenacity, strength and compassion. She’s a badass who deserves respect. A slightly complex character who doesn’t wear her feelings on her sleeve. Don’t take her kindness (when she is nice…I guess) for granted or you will regret it. You won’t see characters like her often in anime, especially in an slight lead roll. Michiko is the type of character I want to see more of, not only in anime but in American cartoons and shows as well.
If you haven’t seen Michiko & Hatchin, please check it out. I believe it is still on Hulu and possibly Crunchyroll as well. For detailed info on Michiko, check it out here! I hope you enjoyed this week’s WCW. I will be continuing to put more of these together week to week. Consistency has to start somewhere right? Until next time, Nerd Out!