Taking a short break…


Hello All! The past few weeks, I’ve been trying to be consistent with posting content with the video game challenge. I haven’t been able to generate the views and readership like I wanted so I am deciding to take a little break to redesign the site a bit to get better organized and also get better quality content together. Also, my job has been demanding a lot of my time so I haven’t been able to focus like I really want to so that has diminished some of my writing. I will be spending time redesigning, writing and thinking of new content for the site as well as setting up pages for my contributors work to be on full display. I will complete the Video Game Challenge but not publish it publicly. I will be creating a section just for monthly challenges so it will be there if you want to take a look at the full 30 day challenge later. I’m also in the hunt for a part time job (adulting really does suck) until I can generate enough side income from blogging to not need the second job. I thank those that have been reading and reaching out to me, I really appreciate it! I won’t be gone long and I appreciate your continued support!

Until next time, Nerd Out!



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