Spoiler-free review of Spider-man 2!
Tag: Sony
A Way Too Late Game Review: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Welcome back Blerders! I hope everyone is continuing to stay safe during this time! Remember to mask up when out around others! Since a lot of us tend to have more free time, I’ve been completing games I’ve had in…
A Way Too Early Game Review: Marvel’s Spiderman-Miles Morales
What’s up Blerders and Nerders!? I know it’s been quite some time but no worries, all is well. I hope everyone who was able to obtain a PS5 or X-box is fully enjoying them while I sit here and continue…
A Way Too Late Game Review: Marvel’s Spiderman
Hello there Blerders and Nerders. It’s been awhile hasn’t it? During this Corona-tine, I’ve had some time to go back and play through some of my back log and decided to share my thoughts of the games I finished! Later,…
A Way Too Late Game Review: Mass Effect 2
Welcome back! I hope everyone is having a good week so far. I know I’ve been too inconsistent with posting lately, but I’ve been working really hard to remedy that. This week’s short game review is my about one of…
30 Day Video Game Challenge: Day 11
Gaming system of choice Good morning Blerders and Nerders! Hope you have been enjoying E3 this past weekend and later today. I may do a post about E3 or maybe @thatcartoonist will do a video wrap-up. Anyway, today’s subject is…
30 Day Video Game Challenge: Day 7
Favorite Game Couple Welcome back Blerders and Nerders! Are you following along with me and @thatcartoonist ‘s challenge? His are on YouTube (Look for his posts, links inside!) I’ll be starting my podcast sometime soon so look forward to that!…
30 Day Video Game Challenge | Day 2
For Day 2 of the 30 Day Video Game Challenge the topic was “Favorite Character”. I have so many that it is hard to chose just one but I was able to select 2 that I thought were pretty amazing!
30 Day Video Game Challenge: Day 3
Day 3: A game that is underrated. Welcome back Blerders and Nerders! You see today’s subject and the game I chose is MS Saga: A New Dawn. Have you heard of it? I highly doubt most of you have, which…
30 Day Video Game Challenge!
Welcome back Blerds and Nerds! This will be a short post. I have been writing this blog (sometimes consistently!) for a little over a year now and I have yet to do any kind of challenge! Not even an anime…