The Flash Season 5 Episode 6 “The Icicle Cometh” Review the team is doing everything they can to bring down Cicada. However Cicada is still on the loose and still killing other metas in the city. Caitlin is now pursuing…
Tag: nora allen
The Flash 5×05 “All Doll’d Up” Review
The Flash 5×05 “All Doll’d Up” Review and Nora still can’t deal with her mom despite how Iris has tried. There is a new meta named Ragdoll stealing and ruining others lives and Barry is next on his list. Wells,…
The Flash 5×04 “News Flash” Review
The Flash 5×04 “News Flash” Review has team Flash dealing with a new meta who seemingly has the ability to control people and leaving the victims unable to remember anything. While this is going on, Ralph and Wells investigate how…
The Flash 5×03 “The Death of Vibe” Review
The Flash 5×03 “The Death of Vibe” Review and team Flash is still trying to take down the evil Cicada. Nora’s interference by going back into the past has changed a lot with in this timeline. Despite this setback, Nora…
The Flash 5×02 Blocked
Another heavy hitting episode of the CW’s The Flash. Nora is really trying to impress her father and it is getting in the way for the team capturing Block. Little does our team know the the villain known as Cicada…
The Flash 5×01 – Nora Review
Long time no see friends! I didn’t really mention it before but now is as good a time as any but I plan on reviewing most of the CW Superhero shows this year. So be sure to check them out…