This is going to be a quick post. I’ve been under the weather so I’ve been resting but I was awaken from my recovering slumber by an alert. Bandai Namco done hit us with some gold. Soul Caliber 6 is coming in 2018. Did you hear me?!
Its been 5 years since the last Soul Calibur game. 2012 people. 2012 was the last time I was giving out Kilik and Maxi hands to my friends. I believe this is only a teaser since it was announced at the Video Game Awards and only shows two fighters, Sophitia and Mitsurugi. The difference is that both of these characters look to be younger than their Soul Calibur 5 versions so I don’t know how this plays into the history of the games but we’ll see. The visuals look amazing and it’s releasing on PS4, Xbox One and PC(Steam) so no sword left behind. Another thing to think about is what special characters will be coming to each system. If you remember, the past games had characters such as Yoda, Spawn, Heiachi, Darth Vader, Link, and the Apprentice.
Have you played any of the Soul Calibur games? Who was your favorite character? When it releases, how would you like me to deliver your butt whooping? Enjoy the teaser trailer below and visuals! Until next time, Nerd Out!
“Welcome to the stage of history”!
Great news. I sunk many hours into Soul Calibur 2 back in the day. Hopefully the new game will be better than five, which was very bare bones in terms of features.
Talim is the character I picked the most, even if in terms of looks I much prefer the more developed ladies.
Talim was one of my favorites as well. Her and Kilik were my go to fighters. Mistriugi was when I was trying to prove a point. I basically mastered him.