End of the Year tings.

“Don’t ever stop. Always keep going, no matter what happens and is taken from you. Even when life is so unfair, don’t give up.” -Ezio (Assassin’s Creed II)

“We don’t get to choose how we start in this life. Real ‘greatness’ is what you do with the hand you’re dealt.” -Victor Sullivan (Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception)

I know I haven’t said much in a while but it’s for a good reason. This won’t be a super long post but I wanted to say something.  I’ve been doing some blog searching (see what I did there?) and decided to change the layout as well as some of the subjects I post about. I will still be doing my blerd/nerd thing but will be including more things pertaining to world around me. Some of it may interest you, some of it won’t. I also intend to have my blog generate some extra income if possible.  Hopefully the new layout will keep you occupied or navigate you to where you want to go on my site. I’m going to try and do more promoting of other spaces people can prosper in; Podcasts, YouTube channels, other blog sites, etc. As always, I hope you as readers keep me honest in the things I release. Criticism can only make me better. I appreciate the support I’ve received along with the new followers I have gained and promise to put out more content on a more consistent basis. My 100th post will be on January 1st where I will debut the new look/layout.

2018 will be a great year. Not only for me but for you guys reading this as well. Never give up on your dreams or friends. Aim for the galaxy and hit your mark. You guys bring in the new year safely and lets have a great 2018! As always, Nerd out people!


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