Welcome back Blerds and Nerds! I know posts have been sporadic but I’m here to promise you that June will be the start of more a more consistent Misfit. Work has gotten hectic and contributors have their things as well so content has been scarce. But fear not, ideas have started flowing again and I’m happy to share them with you. So let me tell you what is starting (and continuing) in June:
30 day Video Game Challenge
This is pretty self-explanatory and I already have a post scheduled to come out later this week as well. This is a first for me since I’ve never done a 30 challenge blog-wise so the length may vary.
Back to doing WCW and TBT
I have been slacking severely on my weekly Woman Crush Wednesday’s and Throwback Thursdays. For my new readers, Woman Crush Wednesdays is when I highlight women of color in anime, comics and other mediums. Throwback Thursdays is for old schools cartoons, anime, and video games just because I feel like remembering the good ol days. I will try to keep this up for the remainder of the of year and going forward. Please keep me honest and on it please!
Starting Top 5 Fridays
I may be getting ahead of myself but I want to start doing a “Top 5” Friday each week. This will vary on the subjects of the Top 5 but a Top 5 nonetheless. This is still in an idea stage but I want to try a few Friday’s and see how it goes. Hopefully you guys like it and it’ll become a mainstay.
Most opinion posts
I know all blog posts are essentially “opinion” posts but in this aspect, I mean outside of the usual anime, video game fare. I have a few already but I want to make them more consistent. Regular content for the blog would be a great thing for people to see right? My contributors will most likely do the same (they don’t need a post to remind them haha).
Gaming streams!
On the weekends, I will be trying to do more gaming through Twitch and/or YouTube with some of my gaming friends. I will also start writing for @theWellRedMage (he has a wordpress as well) in the near future. Those will be focusing on long form gaming reviews so they will be long reads. But I will be reaching out to my readers to join me on my streams sometimes! Even my games!
Specified sections for my contributors
I’ve been thinking of doing something for the people who write actively on my blog so I’m deciding to have sections just for them. Well categories but it will highlight them and their work. @sineaterdanyi has her own blog page so I will include links to that and anything else she works with. @thatcartoonist has his own Youtube channel which will be highlighted so be on the lookout for that. This will go along with the redesigning the blog site.
And finally…
Affiliate links, Kofi and donations
I am forever on a lookout for a many different ways to bring in side money to maintain and save. I recently became an Amazon Affiliate along with an affiliate with RightStuf Anime as well. So I will be adding links at the bottom of most of my anime, or video game posts so please…click on them and buy if your interested! I also started a Kofi page to accept donations. These donations will be for the upkeep of the site and hopefully expanding the site to the podcast I’m planning along with doing gaming stream as well. Donations usually start at $3 but I believe you can put whatever you want. And it’s not monthly so no need for reoccurring charges.
So be on the lookout for a bevy of changes coming! Most starting this Friday! Thank you for being a reader and I hope you continue to support us in the future! Until next time, Nerd out!