February 18, 2025

16 thoughts on “Anime Spotlight: World Trigger

  1. World Trigger is one of those shows I’ve tried to start a couple of times but never get into. It is still on my list to get back to but given how many shows are on that list this one is probably not a high priority. I don’t know what it is about the early episodes but they just don’t seem to grab my interest.

    1. I totally agree. It took me a while to get into. It was the last thing I watched after watching my simulcasts. It eventually got better even though I think some of the character development could of been better.

    1. Yeah this series does start off kind of slow but it really does pick up. I will warn you though, there are some parts in episodes where you will wonder why the hell that moment was even animated lol

  2. That’s a nice review. My friend Jeannette actually reviewed that series as well. You know World Trigger was directed by Mitsuru Hongo who also did Outlaw Star, right? Another good anime he directed is Shamanic Princess.

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