February 18, 2025

13 thoughts on “Anime safe to watch with your kids…

    1. *receives high five* I’m always down to argue why Digimon is better than Pokemon. But I do play the games and I’m a Pokemon master in my own right lol. I really wish they would do another Avatar series. I enjoyed that and Legend of Korra as well

      1. Ahahah xD I’ve played some of them but I would not call myself a master… Maybe an apprentice at best ahah yeah that would be awesome! I also loved korra. A more mature but awesome story xp

  1. Interesting list. I remember watching most of those shows when I was a kid. Even as someone who liked Pokemon back in the day, I will admit Digimon was the better show. There was legit character development and the monsters can actually say things besides their names. Hahaha!

    Some other anime I’d put on a list for kid-friendly/family-friendly stuff would be (in no particular order):

    Hikaru no Go
    Patapata Hikousen no Bouken
    The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
    Astro Boy
    Kimba the White Lion/Jungle Emperor Leo
    Rain Town

    1. Some of these I haven’t heard of so I will def be looking into some of them. I forgot all about Astro Boy. Would both versions be good or should I stick to the more recent version?

      1. No problem. Some of them are more overlooked and underrated. As long as you don’t go for that crappy 2009 CGI remake, you should be fine. That and it would be good to teach them about Osamu Tezuka who was the first big animator in Japan. I actually heard they were doing another Astro Boy anime remake soon and a live-action version.

        1. I heard that too. I’m excited for it and I hope they do Astro Boy justice. I definitely wouldn’t subject someone to the 2009 remake ever. I was talking about the 2003 cartoon

          1. Definitely. I also know that there was a prequel called Atom: The Beginning, But I’ve never seen it. I haven’t seen too many newer anime series to be honest. No one should ever have to see the 2009 version. Haha! I was more familiar with the 2003 version since I saw it a few times on Toonami.

            Besides that, I’ve reviewed a few of the series I mentioned on one of my blogs called Iridium Eye.

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