12 Days of Anime: Day 11

Favorite Mecha Anime

Hello Blerders and Nerders! I know I’m another day late but it’s getting out there! Today’s (yesterday’s) subject is Favorite Mecha Anime….which is super easy because my favorite is a long standing series! There are plenty other mecha anime out there but Gundam is different.

Gundam was the very first mecha anime that I watched. Gundam Wing to be exact, on Toonami after Dragonball Z. Gundam Wing was my mecha anime springboard and I haven’t come down since. I enjoy many other mecha anime thanks to the Gundam series. One of my favorite Gundam series is Zeta Gundam.


In my personal opinion, Zeta Gundam is one of the best in the series. It was the series that came after the original so it’s a bit dated but for an older anime, it was well rounded. It had a little bit of everything you could ask for in an anime series. Great story, great characters and great action. It’s also a continuation of the original series and does a great job of tying in past characters to the new series. I’m even building a new Gundam model based on Zeta Gundam for the holidays so you can see how I feel about the series.


I have seen just about every Gundam series that has been animated and almost finished reading all the Gundam manga I could find so it’s safe to say that this series as a whole is one of my favorites. What about you? Do you have a favorite mecha anime? If so, let us know in the comments! Also, closer to Christmas, I will be posting links to my affiliate anime and game sites so please take a look at them when I post them! I would definitely appreciate it. Until next time…Nerd Out!









3 thoughts on “12 Days of Anime: Day 11”

  1. Nice choice! Zeta is definitely one of the better Gundam series out there.

    Even though it’s a short film, one of my favorite mecha-related things is Voices of a Distant Star.

      1. Voices of a Distant Star is the second film from Makoto Shinkai. He animated the whole thing from his MacBook back in the early 00s and it’s still crazy that he would eventually direct Your Name over a decade later. Voices of a Distant Star is about a girl named Mikako who signs up for an interstellar war and she can only contact her earthbound boyfriend through text messages while beating up aliens in her mech. The further she gets from earth, the texts take days, weeks, months, and even years between each message. It is a very fascinating short despite the aged animation.

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